Charging Ahead on Micromobility Capitol Hill Briefing

Charging Ahead on Micromobility Capitol Hill Briefing

The Congressional Bike Caucus and a coalition of leading micromobility organizations hosted a joint briefing on policy and opportunities to invest in safe, multimodal mobility infrastructure.

On September 30, 2022, the members of the Coalition Helping America Rebuild and Go Electric (CHARGE) hosted a virtual briefing on United States policy and funding opportunities ahead to support biking and micromobility.

The North American Bikeshare & Scootershare Association (NABSA), PeopleForBikes and NUMO (the New Urban Mobility alliance) partnered with Congressman Earl Blumenauer, who co-chairs the Congressional Bike Caucus, to bring leading experts in the field of micromobility together to address how to leverage the current moment in policy and funding to create better access to jobs and daily needs, expand the transit shed, reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips, help attain climate goals and ultimately build more equitable transportation networks throughout the country.

With recent, unprecedented transfusions of transportation funding in the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the American Rescue Plan Act, the nation stands an important juncture and unique opportunity to consider how micromobility can be integrated into project studies and incentives moving forward.

“In all the time that I’ve been working in transportation, there’s never been as big an opportunity as right now to really reimagine our infrastructure and create an integrated, multimodal transportation system that better serves all people in the U.S. with access to jobs and people’s daily needs,” said NUMO director Harriet Tregoning during the briefing.

The panel of experts included:

  • Caroline Samporano — Vice president/head of micromobility and transit public policy at Lyft
  • Dr. Jennifer Dill — Professor and director of the Transportation Research & Education Center at Portland State University
  • Congressman Earl Blumenauer — Founder/co-chair of the Congressional Bike Caucus
  • Harriet Tregoning — Director of NUMO

A recording of the briefing is available here. Coverage can be found in Smart Cities Dive here.

More news about the initiative is forthcoming. In the meantime, please follow NABSA, PeopleForBikes and NUMO on Twitter to learn more. 


Header image: Thomas Hawk/Flickr

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