About NUMO

About NUMO

NUMO connects diverse allies and actors around urban mobility issues in communities throughout the globe.


Technology is changing everything about how we get around in cities. New tech-based mobility disruptions from electric scooters to ride-hailing apps to autonomous vehicles are part of the transportation revolution. These changes will affect the future of cities and the people living and working in them as well as have implications for the environment, jobs, public spending, governance, health, privacy, safety and more. Whether they move us toward or away from a better future will depend on how we act, how we collaborate and how we challenge the status quo to achieve the best outcomes for all.

Woman on electric scooter
Photo: Marat Mazitov/Unsplash


Launched in January 2019, NUMO is an outgrowth of the Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities. Our mission is to leverage the momentum of significant revolutions in mobility to target urban issues — including equity, sustainability, accessibility and labor. NUMO aligns the actions, investments and values of a growing community of allies to achieve transformational, on-the-ground changes in mobility.

Women on bicycles
Photo: Brett Sayles/Pexels

NUMO is an alliance organization of cities, NGOs, companies, mobility service operators, community advocates from diverse sectors and more from around the globe. We see this moment as an unprecedented opportunity to shape a shift in transportation by aligning shared priorities and turning the values of the Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities into deliberate, impactful action.


NUMO is hosted by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.


The NUMO Team

The NUMO team of experts supports transformational change in mobility.

Harriet Tregoning, Director

Harriet Tregoning


Jyot Chadha, Deputy Director

Jyot Chadha

Deputy Director

Robin Chase, Founder

Robin Chase


Charles T. Brown, NUMO Senior Advisor

Charles T. Brown

NUMO Senior Advisor

Justyn Huckleberry, Research & Projects Analyst II

Justyn Huckleberry

Projects & Research Associate